Voight pipe enclosures

A simple speaker enclosure

Pipe enclosures were design in the 30's by Paul G.A.H. Voigt, it was subject to a patent (GB447749 (A) ― 1936-05-18). The principle is quite simple

Probably inspired by pipe organ tubes.

The image below shows the Herbert Jeschke's Voigt Pipe for a build the pipes for a undetermined 8" driver: the classical way of building the Voigt pipe.

The angle is given by

(atan (/ (+ 8 (/ 3.0 4.0)) 71.0));0.12262114279484264

(/ (* (atan (/ (+ 8 (/ 3.0 4.0)) 71.0)) 180) pi);7.025673961215487

Position of the driver: latex2png equation

Length of the pipe:

latex2png equation

Actually it should be latex2png equation removing the area of the speaker at the bottom, latex2png equation is the speaker resonant frequency.

Here is my hack on it with a Fonestar 3inch=7.5cm speaker (20-14.000 Hz, 8 Ω, 89 dB - 1 W/1 m)

Not really a full-driver, but for 10Eurs, who can complain.

(atan (/ 15.0 108));0.13800602365751946

(/ (* (atan (/ 15.0 108)) 180) pi);7.907162702958458

Top area:

(* 7.0 7.5);52.5

Bottom area:

(* 7.0 15.5);108.5

Speaker position:

(/ 108.0 (+ 2 (pow (/ (* 7.0 7.5)
                      (* 7.0 15.5)) .5)));40.06516757332509

Further reading:

Some more thoughts soon.

Palavras chave/keywords: voigt, speaker, hifi, audio

Criado/Created: NaN

Última actualização/Last updated: 10-10-2022 [14:26]

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GNU/Emacs Creative Commons License

(c) Tiago Charters de Azevedo