Diode function generator

Diode function generator for guitar

Since I've started to play with guitar circuits I wanted to try a non linear resistor diode network device. The circuit is base in an old paper "Design of a diode generator using the diode equation and iteration" by Vincent G. Bello (1971). It uses the following

This is a quite general synthesis procedure. Given a convex monotonically increasing function the resistors can be chosen such that a set of voltage points can be obtained (Vin,Vout). The controls are highly interactive and, as the simulation shows, the breakpoints are hard to set by hand.

Here is the circuit

I've added a sum/difference opamp at the output.

Here are some typical output wave forms (sum on the left, difference on the right)

It needs, in this form, 10 pots. If the control of negative part is include it will need a total of 14 pots!!

My idea is to build something like this variable diode function generator

but I can not find on-line any of these function generator used in analog computers. Any links? Refs? Some other diode/resistors networks?

Are there any stompbox that uses such a function shaper? Is it feasible?

BTW this variable diode function generator is a Comdyna (http://www.comdyna.com/) module.

Palavras chave/keywords: guitar, diy, diode function generator, analog computer

Criado/Created: NaN

Última actualização/Last updated: 10-10-2022 [14:25]

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(c) Tiago Charters de Azevedo